Tener Project
Los Gustos Project
Digital Citizenship
I feel that the evidence found in the quiz today corresponds to my life and the way that I use my digital media. I think that the digital media that I use the most is texting, on average I probably send over 100 messages a day, although the ;east one I use is probably Facebook just because I personally think it is kinda useless. Digital media to me is like the source of how i get every day things done. I feel that an upside to digital media for me is that I can keep in contact with whoever I need to talk to at that certain time. Although, it can distract me from my other priorities such as homework. It helps my relationship with others by letting me keep track of whats going on in that persons life. For society as a whole, I think it helps us do every day things easier and quicker than what we would if we didn’t have them. I do connect with others through digital media, but I rarely find myself posting anything. Your digital citizenship is very important for you, considering that colleges can look at it and see what all you have said and what others think about you. so I will always try and stay positive and connected to family and community. Cyber bullying is another big deal when dealing with digital life. One reason is that people can cause serious damage to someone else. so while on the internet, be sure to watch out for those kind of things and if you see someone being cyber bullied, step in and help the out.
My First Week
My first week of my sophomore year in high school has been interesting trying to find new ways to carry all of my things to each class, considering that I’m on crutches. All of my teachers are fun and interesting. I have been doing well with the work they have assigned this first week. I plan to have a fantastic and excitement filled sophomore year!
Dino DNA
Why dissections are Importiant in Science Class
I think dissections are important in a science class, because it is a great hands-on activity that you can do to teach your class all about where different things are in an organism. As well as showing them what the organism has ate in the past few days. That is why i think that dissections are important in a class setting.
My Experiment
Well this was an interesting experiment and I learned that if you put candy in heated hydrogen peroxide the candy with the sour sugar coating will not react the most. What I would change if we had the chance to try the experiment again is that instead of the hydrogen peroxide we would use heated potassium clorate.
My life
How The Universe Was Created.
There are many opinions going around, but I myself believe that the Holy Spirit God created it. I believe that God said it was there and then whatever he said showed up, because he is just that holy and powerful. It wasn’t just some long drawn out process that that took the particles of an explosion to travel through the galaxy, It was a seven day process that took God seven days to make perfect.